Want to Supercharge Your Business with Full Passion & Creativity? Renaissance Mentoring Starts Now

by / Friday, 25 March 2016 / Published in Health

life is rich. this is a magnificent time. love boldly

I’m excited to announce a new program I’m launching today called RENAISSANCE MENTORING, designed for visionary entrepreneurs, business owners, and leaders.

My 35+ years in business as a CEO, entrepreneur, marketing and sales executive, mentor, coach and consultant, and my love of all things beautiful and transformative — music, dance, art, meditation — blend to create a unique, personalized program I’m delighted to offer for the first time.

I call it Renaissance Mentoring because I’ve learned a lot about how to take the skills and talents of full-on creativity and blend it with the strategic and analytical skills of starting and running a business. The Renaissance was a time in history where there was a flowering of creativity and an integration of the arts with business. It represented a “rebirth” of a love of beauty and our world has never been the same.

Maybe your business needs a rebirth. Or your passion does. Or your innovation and creativity. Or your inspiration.

This program isn’t woo-woo. It’s Hands-on. Practical. Results-oriented. Inspired.

I learned about rebirth through doing many things professionally, and then almost losing it all. I’ve been on Broadway as a Singer, Actor, and Dancer. I’ve been a Marketing VP, I’ve run sales teams, I’m an Entrepreneur. I was CEO for the acclaimed HeartMath organization for 11 years. I’ve taught at Stanford Business School since the late 90s. I’m a coach, a mentor, a strategic consultant and a Board member. I’m also a cancer and staph infection survivor, I had both hips replaced, and now I sing and dance all the time. (Except when I’m running my businesses.) People call me a renaissance man. I call it having fun being creative.

How would you answer these questions:

  • Are you expressing your creativity and leadership to the fullest?
  • Do you greet each day with exuberance, joy and a sense of deeply held mission?
  • Do you make time to nurture yourself and your highest aspiration for living?
  • Has your work life felt like an uplifting expression of who you are or more like heavy labor?

If you answered “no” to at least two of these questions, maybe my program could fit your needs.

I only have time to work with a small number of clients, but you can learn all about it by clicking the link below. I look forward to hearing from you!
Renaissance Mentoring

unleash creativity. never harness it


#RenaissanceHuman #loveislife #RenaissanceMentoring #loveisneverwasted