Praise for Sonic Sanctuaries
Sonic Sanctuaries – Catalysts for an Inspired Life.
The first collaboration between Emmy-award winning composer Gary Malkin, and noted author, consultant and former Broadway actor Bruce Cryer, Sonic Sanctuaries is a rich guided imagery double CD to bring the spirit of What Makes Your Heart Sing into your daily life. With a script written and narrated by Bruce, performed live with Gary’s moving improvisational piano (with added orchestrations), the two tracks take you deeper and deeper into the heart of your own inspiration. The Power of Willingness and the Power of Playfulness (with narration) comprise disc 1, while disc 2 is the music only soundtrack.
The CD can be purchased at the What Makes Your Heart Sing Store.
“I love your CD. I love your calm and inspiring voice, I love the beautiful piano music… I love it so much! I am so excited because of the beautiful meditations I had with your CD yesterday and today. I meditated with “Be Playful” and then “Be Willing”. I couldn’t stop my tears running down my cheeks towards the end of “Be Playful”. I guess it’s because I always thought I don’t have humor because I grew up in a family filled with lots of love but not so much humor. But I noticed that I can “ignite” my humor cells anytime and I was overwhelmed by amazing “appreciation waves” for my parents, my husband, you and everyone who came to my life, as well as everything that happened in my life including hard times. And then, during my meditation with “Be Willing”. I went back to the special place where I always go, and towards the end a miracle happened!!! An amazing idea came to my mind!!! At the moment, I absolutely don’t know how I will do it or how it will come “alive” but I feel so good about this idea… almost the same feeling I had when I heard my inner voice saying “I want to fly!” which took me to Australia to get my Australian Airline Pilot License. I am totally excited and so so grateful for you! Thank you so much! You and Gary are a real treasure in this world!”
Miyuki Miura, Founder,
“I’ve been exposed to guided meditation many times and in many different forms over the past 15 years. When life would get hectic I always let meditation fall by the way side, despite knowing how critical it is to maintaining my sanity. Bruce Cryer and Gary Malkin’s “What Makes Your Heart Sing?” guided meditation is incredibly effective at getting me to a relaxed, willing, and playful mind state. The thing that sets this work apart from other meditation works (other than the fact that it includes the highest quality music and features Bruce’s smooth vocal delivery) is that he includes Gary’s music soundtrack as a bonus CD separate from the vocal work. I only use the guided meditation once in a while, but I take “power naps” with the music almost daily. Just a quick 20-30 minute nap queues my mind into the guided state while following Bruce’s voice. After I wake from a deep sleep (which is otherwise challenging for me to achieve) I feel light, at ease and agile, physically and mentally. Quite simply, this work makes me feel rested and happy. I highly recommend it to anyone, but especially everyone who has difficulty getting adequate sleep.”
Peter Schierling, ACE CPT, Fitness Professional
“It is so precious and rare to me when both the science and the art of guided meditation come together effectively to inspire and transform the lives they touch. Bruce Cryer and Gary Malkin have created a rare experience of exactly that kind. A synergy forms effortlessly between all the elements: the tone of the words, the rhythm of them, the choices of the words and images used, the timing and beauty and tone of the music, woven together by a rich feeling of care and love that infuse this entire series. What a gift it is to enjoy these. Thank you for creating them.”
Brennan Smith, Founder, Inspired Action Network
“This music seems to come from and connect with that part of myself that ‘knows’ how perfect people and life are and is a magical way of re-centering myself when overwhelmed with day to day work and distractions. Something important and historical is happening in the world. Humanity maybe we waking up to the possibility we are and the responsibility that comes with – responsibility for loving and caring and appreciating the miracle we share. This music might be considered part of the sound track for the global transformation that is underway and is the opening for a world that works for everyone – with no one left out. Thank you again for touching my heart.”
Jim Selman, Founder, Paracomm Partners International

“As a mother of 5- and 9-year-old boys, finding a quiet moment to breathe is almost unheard of, especially when we are traveling in the car. I found that many of the music options for children today either over-stimulate or bore them. I recently discovered a brilliant solution — the Sonic Sanctuaries CD! When we were driving to an event recently the boys were bickering in the back seat so I popped in the CD. They almost immediately stopped and began to listen to Bruce’s voice welcoming them to the CD. The kids loved the music and found it very relaxing. Now when we travel in the car there are times when the kids ask me to play the CD so they can relax. It’s a great Mom tool not only for the kids but also for the mother or father as well.”
Lorissa MacAllister BSW, AIA, NCARB, LEED, EDAC, Healing Spaces Specialist, Samueli Institute