The Power of Inspiration – Bruce Cryer
Strategies for Turbulent Times – A Plan for the Unknown – The Power of Inspiration – Bruce Cryer Hosted by Dr. Cathy Greenberg and Matthew Werner Bruce brings more than four decades of experience in business innovation, heart-centered values, optimal performance, and artistic expression to everything he does. Through roles as diverse as actor, singer,
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Living on the growing edge – Ep #1 Bruce Cryer
This is the inaugural interview for the “Living on the Growing Edge” Video series! It’s with great excitement that I interviewed Bruce Cryer, the former CEO of the HeartMath Institute. Listen in to his fabulous journey from lead roles on Broadway to CEO and now world renowned consultant on Heart Brain Coherence!
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How Heart-Brain Coherence Affects Performance and All Aspects Of Life – Ashley Brothers
Explore the fascinating connection between the heart and the brain as Ashley Brothers interviews Bruce Cryer, founding director and later CEO of HeartMath Institute LLC. The HeartMath Institute has been studying the heart since 1991 and discovered that it had a bundle of 44,000 neurons that produced the largest electromagnetic field in the body. Principles
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Renaissance Human The Science of Reinventing Yourself and Your Life – Ashley Brothers
In this episode of Soul-Deep, Ashley Brothers talks to Bruce Cryer (founding director and former CEO of HeartMath LLC) about his new program, Renaissance Human, in which he coaches people through the process of reinventing themselves and their lives. Bruce explains the multiple reasons why someone may need to make major changes in their life
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Charles Schwartz – The Renaissance Man with Bruce Cryer
Welcome to the I am Charles Schwartz Show! This podcast is an uncommon guide to getting you what you want, when you want it. From the guy who has been coaching entrepreneurs on how to retire for over a decade. This podcast aims at making you UNSTOPPABLE. Awaken the inner beast within you! Quash your
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Luke Storey – Heart Coherence Finding A Higher Power Within & Living Your Truth W Bruce Cryer
Today we’re covering what might just be the most important topic we’ve ever explored on The Life Stylist podcast – the transformative power of the heart, the center of our experience of love. My guest, Bruce Cryer, has been called a renaissance man. Beginning his career starring in the world’s longest-running musical in New York
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Ina Gjikondi & Bonnie Buckner – Connecting To Creativity As A Way Of Being With Bruce Cryer
Western civilization fails to appreciate the heart as an intelligence system. But have you ever wondered why it is that when you put your heart into something, you tend to do better? This is where our guest comes in to bridge that gap between heart and creativity. Bruce Cryer is one of the founding members of HeartMath, whose
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Derek Loudermilk – Bruce Cryer | Former CEO of HeartMath on Being a Renaissance Human, Creativity, and More…
Listen Here https://derekloudermilk.com/bruce-cryer/ “The greatest power in the world is inside us” – Bruce Cryer Bruce Cryer has been called a renaissance man because of a four-decade career as a Singer, Actor, Dancer, Publisher, Author, Marketing Executive, CEO, Board member, Consultant, Mentor and Coach for Leaders in diverse fields. Bruce now brings his expertise and passion for
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Jody Birnberg – Part 1 – Aging Backwards
How can we live in the “energy of our legacy “now? Renaissance Human, Keynote Performer, and Cryer Consulting Founder Bruce Cryer share his health journey in our two-part series and how we can “age younger.” Listen now and start getting younger! A two-year health crisis became a healing journey that convinced Guest Bruce Cryer to
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Jody Birnberg – Part 2 – Living from Your Heart
A two-year health crisis became a healing journey that convinced Guest Bruce Cryer to focus his energies and passions on personal healing, creative expression, and global health. So how can we live from the heart? Find out now!
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Sage Rader – Part 1 – Heart Coherence with breath AND brain
Bruce Cryer helped found HeartMath and has incredible experience with breath and brain science. We are starting a series around breathing and thinking and the implications for our physiology of combining the two intelligently. Hang out with us and learn as we learn. We are excited to share what we are practicing personally and in
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Sage Rader – Part 2 – Breathing Coherence For A Broken Heart
This is where we talk about the practical applications of the breath AND thought concept we establish is the first conversation. Broken hearts are real things and the health implications can be severe. Breathing and thinking in a way that brings a coherent balance to our felt sense of ourselves in the world is what
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Jessica Fabrizi – Part 1 – How to Constantly Reinvent Your Personal Brand
We help personal brands growth-hack their visibility and credibility, so that they skyrocket their income and impact
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Jessica Fabrizi – Part 2 – How to Emanate Magnetic Energy in Networking
We help personal brands growth-hack their visibility and credibility, so that they skyrocket their income and impact
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Jessica Fabrizi – Part 3 – How to Unleash Your Creativity to Become More Magnetic
We help personal brands growth-hack their visibility and credibility, so that they skyrocket their income and impact
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Cornelia Cavann – How to open your heart and connect to life!
I don’t know if I ever told you, but since last summer I am member of the quantum business group. We meet once per month via zoom and discuss how to use quantum science in daily life. These discussions are very precious for me because I learned about so many different skills and techniques. Not
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Bryan Reeves – Living Connected to Heart w/ HeartMath co-founder Bruce Cryer
Living Connected to Heart w/ HeartMath co-founder Bruce Cryer (091) What does it mean to be a man connected to the heart? What is the gift of feeling emotions, anyway? What can you do to be more connected to the heart? In this episode, my guest is Bruce Cryer, he’s a man of many gifts,
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Jennifer Hill – Balance Light with Darkness and Showing Empathy Toward Others
Curiosity and playfulness. Two qualities that come straight from the heart. Children don’t need to be taught how to do these things; yet, it sometimes seems so unnatural to us who have “arrived” in this life. Our guest today, Bruce Cryer, is a true “renaissance man”. An accomplished performer on stage and screen, Bruce shares
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Greg Voisen – From Chaos to Coherence (The Power to Change Performance) with Bruce Cryer
https://insidepersonalgrowth.com/podcast-994-from-chaos-to-coherence-the-power-to-change-performance-with-bruce-cryer/ Joining me for this podcast is Bruce Cryer. He is known as a renaissance man because of a four-decade career as a Singer, Actor, Dancer, Publisher, Author, Marketing Executive, CEO, Board member, Consultant, Mentor and Coach for Leaders in diverse fields. Today, we’re going to talk about about a book he co-authored with Doc
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Leyla Salvadé Standing Light – Why Activating Your Heart Intelligence Matters in the Dawn of AI
In this podcast, Leyla and Bruce discuss all things Heart Intelligence and the important distinction between natural and artificial intelligence. Tune in for this literal masterclass on the intelligence of the heart. The Standing Light Podcast will take you on a journey from the confines of the head into the expansive and highly intelligent force
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Leyla Salvadé Standing Light – A conversation with former CEO of HeartMath – Bruce Cryer
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Eva Andrea – 5 ways to become endlessly creative! with Bruce Cryer
Ever felt too silly to be playful? Or not indulged your wild creative urges because of a belief that it’s not productive and therefore of no value? Bruce Cryer is a master of creativity and inspiration.
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Dr. Diane Hayden – “Lunch & Learn Live Video Discussions”
Naturalnutmeg.com podcast with Bruce Cryer, MA
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Ruben Rezz – The Evolution of a Renaissance Human with Bruce Cryer
The Ruben & Jessie Podcast. Bruce Cryer is a renaissance human because of a four-decade career as a Singer, Actor, Dancer, Publisher, Author, Marketing Executive, CEO, Board member, Consultant, Mentor and Coach for Leaders in diverse fields.
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Sam Liebowitz – From Chaos to Coherence with Bruce Cryer
This week, on The Conscious Consultant Hour, Sam welcomes adjunct professor, author, and CEO/Co-Founder of the HeartMath Institute, Bruce Cryer.
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Lisa May – Take Time Out 2 Thrive w Bruce Cryer
After deep discussions with her family, serving on the front lines in healthcare, and seeing, hearing, feeling their pain and anxiety, Lisa May had a clear vision to create an app to support all those in need during this unprecedented time in history.
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TJ Anderson – Creativity, Heart Math & Becoming a Renaissance Human with Bruce Cryer
Bruce Cryer has had a diverse career spanning musical theater, biotech, personal development, health and well-being, and executive coaching. He began as a singer/dancer/actor on Broadway…
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Alex Doman – What Makes Your Heart Sing: Essential Catalyst for an Inspired Life
“What Makes Your Heart Sing” is a question many people around the world are asking themselves to find inspiration, meaning, purpose, and alignment with their soul’s passion for life. Are you doing enough of what inspires you and if not, what is getting in the way?
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Dr. Brenda Wade – Bruce Cryer: Why Heartmath is a solution for troubled relationships
Dr. Brenda Wade, Modern Love Radio Bruce Cryer has been called a renaissance man because of a four-decade career as a Singer, Actor, Dancer, Publisher, Author, Marketing Executive, CEO, Board member, Consultant, Mentor and Coach for Leaders in diverse fields. Bruce now brings his expertise and passion for renaissance living and working to a select group
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Harun Rabbani – The Role Heart Intelligence Plays in Happiness, Creativity and Productivity
The Harun Rabbani Show, Episode 25: The Role Heart Intelligence Plays in Happiness, Creativity and Productivity The conventional view of the heart is as the central pump mechanism for the cardiovascular system. However, scientific research carried out by HeartMath Institute since 1991 has demonstrated that the heart has a brain of its own with something called “heart intelligence”. During this episode, you’ll hear from former CEO of HeartMath Institute about the important role the heart plays in happiness, creativity and productivity. The video is a recording of a Facebook Live interview on “The Heart of Consciousness” Facebook Group. If you have an interest in conscious evolution put into practical everyday language, then you can apply to join the group.
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Julian Guderley — GreenPlanet BluePlanet – Birth of the Renaissance Human: An elegant Revolution
Such an honour to have Bruce Cryer on GreenPlanet BluePlanet Podcast. Bruce worked on Broadway, in Biotech and Wellness, was the CEO of HeartMath Inc. for 20years and is a Stanford University lector for 22years and going. Now Bruce is back in New York city, a true renaissance human, creating a new endeavour – the brand of RENAISSANCE HUMAN.
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Melanie Benson — Find Your Creative Brilliance with Guest Bruce Cryer
When you feel that your creativity is blocked, or have a problem that logic won’t solve, you’ll want to turn to the advice of Renaissance Human, Bruce Cryer.
My friend Bruce has tapped into something compelling – a way to channel all of those creative ideas so that they actually serve you and your mission.
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Conscious Millionaire — Bruce Cryer: How to Make Impact and Profit
Join us as Bruce Cryer shares his insights and knowledge on how to build a high-growth business and coaching practice. This is the show for heart-centered business owners, entrepreneurs, and coaches who want to make your First Million! Get the insider’s track on how you can make a Big Impact and Big Profits.
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Brad Axelrad – Shift the Power of Emotions in Your Favor Using HeartMath
When something in life pushes your “fear button”, there are 1400 distinct biochemical consequences that occur in your body, including the release of cortisol and adrenaline. This constant fight or flight reaction to stress is why we’re aging faster, seeing increase in chronic illnesses and feel more energy depleted than ever. But is there a better way to control your reaction to fear? Dare we say…one that actually benefits you?
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Judy Brooks and Roy Walkenhorst – Healing Quest — Bruce Cryer’s Renaissance Human Project
This is an interview with Judy Brooks and Roy Walkenhorst on Healing Quest Radio with Bruce Cryer on his Renaissance Human Project.
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R “Ray” Wang and Vala Afshar – DisrupTV Featuring Bruce Cryer, Founder at Renaissance Human
This week on DisrupTV, we interviewed Bruce Cryer, Executive Coach, Keynote Performer, Mentor and Founder at Renaissance Human. DisrupTV is a weekly Web series with hosts R “Ray” Wang and Vala Afshar. The show airs live at 11:00 a.m. PT/ 2:00 p.m. ET every Friday. Brought to you by Constellation Executive Podcast: https://soundcloud.com/user-764838218/disruptv-episode-103-featuring-kare-anderson-bruce-cryer-heather-clancy
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Brandon Beachum – Soul-share with “Renaissance Human” Bruce Cryer
Bruce was raised in a highly artistic and eclectic family, and though he followed in those footsteps he ended up carving his own path through his spiritual explorations, prompted in part by some serious illnesses, and including a significant stint in the pioneering organization HeartMath.
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Lianne Bridges — The Inspire Show
More and more we hear of the importance of tapping into our creativity, but what if we feel we don’t have a creative bone in our bodies, and fall short in artistic endeavours? We have to change our thinking, according to Bruce Cryer, Founder of Renaissance Human, and formerly with HeartMath. In his eyes we are all “cauldrons of creativity”, and even if we are not “artists” per se, everyone has the ability to create… from the constant creation of our own cells to being innovative in problem solving.
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